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Ivory Coast: Abidjan School of Architecture, 10 new graduates join the large family of Ivorian architects, the firm instructions of Joseph Amon

© – Sunday September 29, 2024 – 6:55 p.m.

The traditional graduation ceremony at theEcole d’Architecture of Abidjan (EAA) took place on Tuesday, September 24. This year, out of 11 students registered for a master’s degree, 10 were able to obtain their entry, after deliberation by the jury chaired by Dr Doumbia Moussa, architect-teacher from Bamako in Mali.

But before being given their parchments, these students each had to support an architectural project before a jury and this defense had to be awarded a minimum score of 12 out of 20. At the end of the deliberations, 10 out of 11 applicants had was able to obtain the approval of the jury, making them graduates in architecture after five years of training at the EAA. With an admission rate of 90.9%, the general director Marcel Kouadio Bénié, an architect by profession, did not hide his joy at the parents who made the trip. He praised them profusely for being the real ones architects of their children’s success.

The Palme d’Or went to the successful Omar Diouf who obtained an average of 17 out of 20. This year, to combine business with pleasure, the school decided to reward two winners with special prizes. Thus the new graduate Aïdara Sidi won the Archi 2000 prize which rewards the best feasible project. It has a budget of one million CFA francs. The 2nd special prize (best female prize) equipped with a computer was won by Tapé Léyé Anne.

Present at the ceremony, the president of the order of architects from Ivory Coast, Joseph Amoncongratulated the newcomers in the family of the architects of Côte d’Ivoire, numbering 300 to date throughout the country. “It’s just a page that closes and a new one that opens. You will join firms. Work to integrate the standards of the profession,” he provided advice before reassuring future architects. “The diplomas which will be given to you are recognized and give right to registration in the order of architects of Côte d’Ivoire and other countries,” said Joseph Amon.

Furthermore, presidents of the order of architects or their representative, from Tunisia, Benin, Senegal, Mali took part in this ceremony. They even participated in the deliberations as presidents or members of the jury. Anything that denotes the quality of the teachings and the reputation of theEcole d’Architecture from Abidjan.



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