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asperger, photographer Mathieu Beaulieu says welcome to his bubble

In 2020, Mathieu Beaulieu, young man from Châtellerault, published This is the story of someone with Asperger’sa poignant book about its history and ” difference “. That of an autistic “aspi” diagnosed late, at the age of 32.

Four years later, he returned to the public square with a photo exhibition that he nicely titled Welcome to my bubbleuntil October 5, at the Leclerc cultural space.

“I suffer a bit from imposter syndrome”

The very young 38-year-old father presents seventy photos which illustrate all the facets of his work: macro, animal photography, portrait, landscape, mainly in black and white and using different processes: digital, film. , cyanotype, pinhole, wet collodion.

He also exhibits some of his old devices there, which he found in flea markets.

Passionate about photography for nine years, Mathieu Beaulieu has since explored many fields, and with a devouring appetite! “I started with digital, then discovered film and I gradually went back in time. »

Magnificent collodion portraits

His magnificent wet collodion portraits (old photographic process from the 19e century), printed on a glass plate in his laboratory, leave no one indifferent.

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And yet until now, the computer scientist, employee of a large aeronautical company in Châtellerault, had never exhibited publicly. “Out of fear and modesty. I suffer a bit from imposter syndrome. » A state of mind linked to its “peculiarities”, which result in particular in a terrible fear of social interactions.

More “by dint of hearing (that he took) beautiful photos”he ended up being convinced.

A “laying bare”

The Leclerc cultural space offers him a first opportunity to exhibit. A second will follow in February 2025 at La Galerie des Mignons, in the city center.

“The idea has been germinating in my head for three or four yearshe explains. I have reached a stage where, paradoxically, despite my autistic disorders, I feel the need to share my work. »

This “bare”he has it “necessarily fears”. But he feels “ready to face it”. “It can have a therapeutic effect on me. I also take it a bit as revenge on life, to show that I am capable, after the first thirty years of my life where I had the impression of being stupid. »

One of the photographs that Mathieu Beaulieu exhibits at the Leclerc cultural center, made on a glass plate using the old wet collodion process.
© (Photo Mathieu Beaulieu)

Matthew Beaulieu “don’t really know” where this will lead (him). “I don’t want to make a business out of it or do shoots every weekend but maybe it can open doors for me, we’ll see. »

“Welcome to my bubble”, until Saturday October 5 at the Leclerc cultural space in Châtellerault, Herse zone. FREE ENTRANCE. Mathieu Beaulieu will be present Friday 4 afternoon and Saturday 5 all day. Email: [email protected]


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