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Morocco, world leader in industrial design, a success due in part to its unique intangible capital

Morocco now occupies first place in the world for “industrial designs and models” in the Global Innovation Index (GII-Global Innovation Index), the 2024 edition of which was made public, Thursday in Geneva, by the Organization World Industrial Property Authority (WIPO).

Morocco improves its ranking by 10 places in one year on this indicator, as well as on that of the intensity rate of its intangible assets (editor’s note: intangible capital), both sub-indexes of the GII. Commenting on this performance during a press conference in Geneva, WIPO Director General Daren Tang highlighted Morocco’s unique potential in terms of creation and design, seeing it as the fruit of radiant intangible capital. He said he noticed during these trips to Morocco that “Moroccan culture is unique and Moroccans are proud of it”.

Read also: Global Innovation Index 2024: Morocco gains four places and is in 66th position

According to him, Moroccans integrate their cultural heritage into industrial design, which allows them to achieve success in this field. For his part, Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, GII, head of WIPO’s Economics and Statistics Division and co-editor of GII 2024, noted that Morocco is becoming more and more attractive for innovation work in industries. automotive and aerospace, stressing that the Kingdom would benefit from also developing local inventions and patents. On a general level, Morocco continues to climb in the ranking of the global innovation index, securing 66th place in 2024, against 70th in 2023. With “performance above expectations given its level development”, Morocco joins the group of middle-income economies in the top 70 of the ranking which have progressed the fastest in this ranking since 2013, underlines WIPO.

Morocco ranks among the top 30 for education spending, rate of intangible assets, gross capital formation, high-tech manufacturing and brands. Commenting on this feat, Mr. Wunsch-Vincent noted that the Kingdom excels in the results of innovation (47th), surpassing its inputs, which are ranked 89th, adding that Morocco’s good results in terms of scientific publications and its presence growth in venture capital (31st worldwide) have supported its innovation ecosystem. “Morocco was among the first countries, notably with China and India – already since 2011 – to use the Global Index as a benchmark for its innovation performance, an indication of the strategic importance that innovation has for the Moroccan government and in particular the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and OMPIC, underlined Wunsch-Vincent.

“Morocco’s economic diversification, associated with government initiatives aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship, pushes the country to move forward,” noted the co-editor of GII 2024, assuring that “the increase in investments in R&D will allow it to maintain its upward trajectory in innovation”. The GII, now in its seventeenth edition, is the benchmark for global innovation trends. It provides policymakers, business leaders and others with guidance to unleash human ingenuity to improve living conditions and address common challenges, such as climate change.

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