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Hotel La Louisiane: Mathilde Marc: Role models

Until October 6, Mathilde Marc exhibited at the hotel Louisiana 25 portraits of actresses! She presents them like this:

Role models is a series of portraits, an exercise in admiration, a human and artistic adventure. This title, Role Models, refers to the term invented by the sociologist Robert King Merton, designating people whose career or work allows us to identify with, to project ourselves. Several years ago, after reading two books questioning the representation of women over fifty in our society, Best love Rosie by Nuala O’faolain and Sorcières by Mona Chollet, I realized that in my own work, as a photographer and director, I had rarely had the opportunity to stage older women. At the same time, the AAFA association launched the manifesto of the tunnel of the actress over fifty, in order to denounce the invisibility of women over this age, considered fateful, in cinema and on television. Evoking age in art circles is particularly delicate, taboo. I wanted to consider old age and experience as assets, an opportunity to tell other stories. At the end of 2019, I began my first portraits of actresses from different generations, from 50 to 90 years old. Women with varied careers, known or less known, all with the will to create without hindrance, continually reinventing themselves. Since 2022, the representation of women over fifty has become a recurring theme in books and magazines. But on the covers, the so-called “natural” photographs are non-existent, either they are heavily retouched, the visible signs of age are erased, or they are illustrations. There is a gulf between this universal interest in time, its effects on our emotions, our bodies and its non-representation.

Mathilde Marc

Mathilde Marc: Role models
Until October 6, 2024
Louisiana Hotel
60, Seine Street
[email protected]
Instagram: _mathilde_marc_


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