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“Where in French education…”: Marine Delterme’s son educated in the United States, a pedagogy to which she fully adheres

Since September 2021, Marine Delterme has lived in Los Angeles with her husband, the playwright, writer and director Florian Zeller. A new life for the couple and their son Roman (born in 2008). The actress seen in Alice Nevers, the judge is a woman spoke to the magazine Gala.

The couple rents a Victorian house on the California coast, “on the hillside with a view of the mountains“. A very natural life where Marine Delterme rubs shoulders with crows, coyotes and eagles. The idea of ​​living an American adventure matured in the minds of lovers after Florian Zeller won the Oscar for best screenplay for his film, The father, in 2021. A choice of the heart but also professional in order to respond to the numerous requests that resulted from this wonderful recognition. There, the couple leads a “outdoor living“and their son”benefits from a very open education“. Marine Delterme explains to Gala : “At his high school, children are asked to say who they are. To verbalize their dream and to become themselves, in a word, to be unique, where in French education you are asked to fit the mold, not to make waves.

Marine Delterme had no difficulty following her husband’s desire to live thousands of kilometers away, even if she knew that this would put her career on hold – while there she still filmed in the miniseries The Sympathizer with Robert Downey Jr. She explains: “It was my turn to give. We evolved together. For twenty years I have been Alice Nevers for television. So when he told me ‘we’re going to the United States’, it seemed right to me to try the adventure, even if it’s sometimes complicated.

The secrets of the couple formed by Marine Delterme and Florian Zeller

Marine Delterme (54 years old) and Florian Zeller (44 years old) have always supported each other. The actress met her husband when he was 23 and told the magazine what, according to her, allows them to form a couple that remains strong: “The satisfaction of planning for the future, of building a family, life movements, friendships, places. We’ve known each other for 22 years and we’ve been married for 14 years. When we met, I already had a child [Gabriel, né en 1998, dont le père est l’acteur suisse Jean-Philippe Écoffey, NDLR], I had experienced a separation. I know the explosion of the family and I didn’t think I would fall in love again. But I fell in love at first sight. It hit me.

And their age difference, she is 10 years older than him, is far from being a problem. “Maybe because he’s more mature than me, deep down. Living with a younger man forces you to be more flexible, more responsive. I thank Florian for pushing me forward, even if the changes weaken me. And living abroad is one of them“, she explained.

A new daily life and a new challenge that the couple took on together, to their greatest happiness.


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