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At Photo Elysée, praise of amateur photography in the exhibition “Home & Away” –

In Lausanne, Photo Elysée is offering an immersive photographic installation until February 23, 2025, made from slides from the collection of The Anonymous Project, a project founded and directed by the British Lee Shulman. “Home & Away” praises amateur photography.

For seven years, the British Lee Shulman, founder and artistic director of The Anonymous Project, has been collecting, analyzing and exhibiting slides of anonymous people. With the immersive exhibition “Home & Away”, he transports us, through a photographic installation, to the 1950s and 1960s.

“I have always found that the photographer’s work is largely done through the choice of images. Because we take a lot of images, but it is certain images that we choose to show. (…) I told myself that it was perhaps better, in this consumerist world, to look at what we already have,” explains Lee Shulman in the 7:30 p.m. news on September 18.

Other people’s images

For this project, Lee Shulman, a multi-award-winning director of advertising films and music videos, but above all a passionate art collector, is interested in the images of others. Today, The Anonymous Project’s collection includes more than a million color images dating from the 1940s to the 1970s. Slides first found on eBay and now sent by the anonymous people themselves. Two hundred photographs are presented at Photo Elysée as part of the exhibition “Home & Away”, an excellent remedy for melancholy.

An image from The Anonymous Project’s “Home & Away” exhibition. [Photo Elysée, Lausanne – Khashayar Javanmardi]

“I’m lucky to be able to see these images every day. I don’t need a psychologist because when I look at these images, it makes me so happy. (…) We take pictures of our children, our husband, our family or our friends, to say ‘I love you’,” Lee Shulman emphasizes.

He himself comes from a very small family, decimated by the Holocaust. “I had a very small family and so when I grew up, I was always aware that each family photo was very precious. But it’s easier to look at other people’s family photos than your own,” Lee Shulman concludes with a smile.

TV topic: Julie Evard

Web adaptation: ld

The Anonymous Project, “Home & Away”, Photo Elysée, Lausanne, from September 6, 2024 to February 23, 2025.


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