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Laurent Schwarz’s paintings, 3, are selling for top dollar and he even had his own private viewing

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ART – He’s not even in kindergarten yet and has already earned hundreds of thousands of euros thanks to his brushwork. Laurent Schwarz, a three-year-old German, is becoming a famous artist. For the past few months, his colorful and abstract paintings have been selling for between 10,000 and 270,000 euros. Just that!

As seen in the video at the top of the article, The young artist even held his very first opening on Thursday, September 19, in Neubeuern, his native village in Bavaria. For the occasion, little Laurent wore his best sweater, decorated with a dinosaur. Last April, his paintings had already been exhibited at Art Muc, the largest art fair in Munich.

He has gained his fame mainly on his Instagram account,, where he is followed by more than 75,000 people. In the comments, people admire his work and comment on his latest paintings, often larger than the painter, who is not even a meter tall.

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An artist who gains value

Laurent started painting when he was two years old, during a vacation in Italy. Since then, the young boy paints about one painting a week, and always on his own initiative, insists his mother, Lisa Schwarz. “If he tells me in two weeks ‘I don’t want to do this anymore’, that’s it and that’s fine. We will have had a good time.”she told Reuters.

Given the success of his paintings on Instagram, Laurent’s parents decided to sell some of them online, on his very professional website. But to buy an original work, “call my mom”the home page specifies.

The money from the sales is blocked in a bank account, which he will have access to when he comes of age. But not all of Laurent’s paintings are for sale. His parents refuse to part with his very first creation, entitled The Fingers (Fingers), despite the tempting offers.

“I think this painting is of interest to collectors because it is his first work. We are currently at $325,000.”explained his father, Philipp Schwarz. “It’s an unimaginable sum. But we won’t give in. He’ll decide for himself one day what he wants to do with it. And then, of course, there are our favourite paintings that we won’t give away either.” Some things are priceless.

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