The Mende Photo Festival: a 100% nature event, from September 13 to 15
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The Mende Photo Festival: a 100% nature event, from September 13 to 15

See you from Friday September 13 to Sunday September 15, 2024 for the Mende Nature Photo Festival, at the events space.

From September 13 to 15, 2024, all lenses will be focused on the events area, where the fourth Mende Nature Photo Festival is being held. An event that has made its mark in the photography world and is growing in size every year.

Daniel Bonnet sums up in a few figures what awaits festival-goers: “50 exhibitors, 600 photos, six films and six conferences.” As its name suggests, the Mende photography festival competition is dedicated exclusively to nature. The rule is simple: “100% natural. No stakes, no house, no fence“, recalls Daniel Bonnet.

A sample of the work of the eighteen competing photographers is exhibited in large format along the Lot and at the Halle au Blé. They will present their work more widely at the events space.We are very selective for this competition. We look at the photographer’s work, we refuse anything that does not fit into the nature theme, we also refuse the use of artificial intelligence, and we pay attention to the photographer’s ethics.“, insists the president. Visitors will vote for their favorite photographer and one of the voters will win a print of this photographer.

The photo rally, open to all

The Mende Festival photo rally will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2024. The theme: a dominant color in nature. The photo rally starts at 2 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. The awards ceremony will follow. Three age groups are in the running: 5 to 10 years old, 10 to 16 years old, and over 16 years old. To participate, bring a camera and an SD card. Parental authorization is required for persons under 18 years old.

Over the years, the Mende Nature Photo Festival has built up its reputation. Exhibitors appreciate the welcome they receive from volunteers as well as the quality of the presentation of their work. With the help of word of mouth, the event is now known in the industry.At first we went to get the photographers. Now they ask to come“, underlines Daniel Bonnet. The festival can boast of welcoming big names in photography, like the three patrons of this edition: Denis Palanque, Nicolas Orillard-Demaire and Laurent Echenoz.

The weekend program

Friday, September 13: Festival opens at 10 a.m., open until 7 p.m.

Saturday, September 14: opening from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Film screenings followed by conferences led by photographers at the Urbain-V room: 10 a.m., Denis Palanque; 11:30 a.m., Véronique and Patrice Quillard; 2:30 p.m., Dorota and Bruno Sénéchal; 4 p.m., Nicolas Orillard-Demaire; 8:30 p.m., Laurent Echenoz, accompanied by the naturalist guide Sylvain Mahuzier.

Sunday, September 15: Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 12 p.m.: Voting for favorite photographer closes at 2 p.m.: Awards ceremony.

The Mende Photo Festival also enabled the impetus for actions around the image in schools, residential homes, retirement homes, supported by the Mende Photo Club.We take pictures, we project them, we comment on them, we choose which ones to show. This gives rise to interesting exchanges and allows us to approach everything that is behind the image.“, appreciates Jean-François Salles. Visitors to the festival will therefore see the result of this work. They will also discover partner stands on the ground floor, non-competition photographs, crafts… All converging towards the same objective: the preservation of nature, through raising awareness among the general public.

From Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September, events space, Place du Foirail, in Mende. Free entry.

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