Montauban. Delphine Eng exhibits “With garlic and tortoiseshell”
DayFR Euro

Montauban. Delphine Eng exhibits “With garlic and tortoiseshell”

On this Saturday morning of September 7, the traditional market was in full swing, the city center and the streets adjacent to the Place Nationale were in unison to celebrate the 400 blows, 403 years after the siege of Montauban in 1621 wanted by Louis XIII. Not far from the Maison du Crieur, a baroque chamber orchestra transported passers-by a few centuries earlier.

At exactly 11:44 a.m., the town crier Jeanne-Mélie Würz had put on the traditional costume of that era, as had the mayor Marie-Claude Berly and her deputies Philippe Bécade, Nadine Bon, Laurence Pagès and Clarisse Heulland.

After reading the week’s rich program, Delphine Eng’s opening could begin… It is called “À tire-d’aile… et d’écaille”. The Parisian artist, but adopted by Montauban since 2019, presents works that are essentially composed of fish and birds made in highly pigmented colored pencil.

The lush vegetation is his theater of encounters that are unlikely to say the least, his pictorial approach, almost naturalistic, contrasts with a graphic staging for this the latter useful of posca pens and ink pads. The realization is extremely neat, methodical, and even “laborious” to use the artist’s term.

More than ever, as Juliette Gréco sang: “a little fish, a little bird, loved each other with tender love”. Everything suggests this when you see this exhibition, which runs until September 28.


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