Montauban. Serge Martin-Robin exhibits his “Effigies” at the Arlequin gallery
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Montauban. Serge Martin-Robin exhibits his “Effigies” at the Arlequin gallery

Serge Martin-Robin, sculptor and painter, is preparing an exhibition at La Galerie de l’Arlequin, a space dedicated to modern and contemporary art, located opposite the Olympe de Gouges theater. It will be visible from September 14 to October 31.

“I mainly exhibit large pastels that are inspired by the figurative sculptures that I made many years ago. A retrospective look, a return to the sources, such are these Effigies. I play on the vibration of colors by superimposing pastel layers, but respecting the initial form. Next to the pastels I present acrylics in the same vein, some drawings and sculptures accompanying the theme.”

Born in Paris, he has lived in Montauban for over thirty years. A former professor of plastic arts at the Montauban drawing school, he abandoned painting for about fifteen years to devote himself to sculpture. Then his first passion returned in parallel with his sculptural creation. His works are exhibited in France, in the greater South-West, in Paris, Barcelona, ​​the United States and Denmark. You can of course admire his work at the Ingres-Bourdelle Museum in Montauban.

Paul Duchein said of this friend: “Serge Martin-Robin, in his renunciation of all useless chatter, with the application and awareness of a good craftsman, sets up his milestones in veined Carrara marble. He knows how to provoke the subtle link where the light stumbles, on which the shadow hesitates, ties itself or folds back on itself, draped in the simplicity of its finery, quietly constructing this ascent which borders on the sacred.”

Galerie l’Arlequin, 39, rue de la Comédie. Opening on Saturday, September 14 at 12 p.m. Open Tuesday to Saturday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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