Cécile Bois: What she can no longer do after suffering years in silence

Cécile Bois: What she can no longer do after suffering years in silence
Cécile Bois: What she can no longer do after suffering years in silence

On November 1, 2023, Cécile Bois – who can be found this Monday evening on France 2 in Drops of God – and Raphaël Lenglet gave an interview to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure in which they returned to the special episode Halloween of Candice Lenoir. A special number in which the duo paid a beautiful tribute to a missing member of the team. Namely Solen Roy-Pagenault, co-creator of the series. She died at age 52 from breast cancer.

In this episode, Cécile Bois does many stunts. In particular, she comes out of a well and crawls into a haunted house. Suspenseful scenes meant to keep viewers in suspense, but which were difficult for the actress to film. “She cursed me a little but the plan is very beautiful”, explained Raphaël Lenglet in this interview, he who is both an actor and director in Candice Lenoirand in this special issue Halloween.

What particularly bothered the actress was being in heels. Because before, she used to wear them. But by force, they gave him “broken menisci”. This is what she told the magazine, in this interview. “I don’t have the physiognomy of the legs, the bones to support the heels. I knew I was uncomfortable, but I thought it was because I was a tomboy, that it was all in my head“.

Cécile Bois “on crutches” because of her heels

At the start of the program, she wore heels, unflinchingly. But it quickly became problematic: “There were seasons where I had to do infiltrations, seasons where I limped, others where I had crutches, seasons where I had to sit down.” Result : the one who is mother of two daughters with actor Jean-Pierre Michaël can not “no longer wear heels at all”. Unless there is a twist, you will never again see her on television or in the cinema (last year she starred in the film “Comme un prince” by Ali Marhyar) in heels.

Unlike journalist Caroline Roux, who can no longer do without it!



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