24 years younger, Christophe’s last companion without taboo on his sexuality: “He was…

24 years younger, Christophe’s last companion without taboo on his sexuality: “He was…
24 years younger, Christophe’s last companion without taboo on his sexuality: “He was…

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

An artist apart in French song, dark, discreet and often appearing as if out of time, Christophe was also an absolute seducer in the private sphere. His numerous conquests already spoke for him, but his ultimate companion confirmed it by providing details of their relationship like no other.

In the musical world of France, he has always stood out, or almost. Above all, a poet, with great self-confidence, a man of melody and a non-conformist, Christophe accumulated many adjectives during his life. He also collected hits, some of which, like “Aline”, remain true monuments many decades later.

In the private sphere, despite the numerous rumors about the singer, few things are truly known and authenticated. It is for this reason that Bénédicte La Capria’s speech has great value, she who shared the last two years of Christophe’s life, until Covid took him away.

The secrets of Christophe’s ultimate love

In the columns of “Paris Match”, she first came clean about him:

He was a real sex maniac, it’s true. He wasn’t comfortable with the #MeToo movement, that’s also true. But no woman will ever blame him for anything. He was an old-fashioned seducer, a smooth talker, a pleasurer, certainly not someone who would have abused women.

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However, and this is the surprising element of their story: the one who is the mother of a teenager has never consummated the carnal act with Christophe. It was in fact what she defined as “a chaste passion”, a platonic relationship, which she herself desired and which the singer respected:

Christophe was older than me, a little old even, and I didn’t want to make love with him. It became a pact between us: I would be there for him, as long as we didn’t sleep together.

Obviously, this was a hard pill to swallow for this immense seducer, who reportedly had up to 9 women at the same time at one point! We can no longer count the conquests of the artist, who notably had a child (whom he did not recognize) with Michèle Torr.

Regardless, the story with Bénédicte La Capria lasted until Christophe’s death, respecting this pact made between them. Enough to satisfy the main interested party, who retains infinite tenderness for the man she considered a “true poet”, rightly so.

An elusive character to the end, a proven night owl and seducer before the eternal, Christophe found in Bénédicte La Capria a platonic relationship which, until the end, was dear to his heart. Today, the memory of the artist endures in all its complexity, surely as he would have wanted it.



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