when Francis Ford Coppola was walking up the steps with his wife, now deceased, and his two children Sofia and Roman

when Francis Ford Coppola was walking up the steps with his wife, now deceased, and his two children Sofia and Roman
when Francis Ford Coppola was walking up the steps with his wife, now deceased, and his two children Sofia and Roman

The rise of the Coppola family in 2001

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In 2001, the director and his daughter attended the screening of Red Mill !, during the opening ceremony of the Festival. Return, in pictures, to these moments of complicity.

He had been preparing this film for 40 years. After many setbacks, Francis Ford Coppola is finally preparing to present his feature film Megalopolis to the general public. The science fiction work will in fact be screened as part of the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday May 16. And this, in a somewhat tense climate. THE Guardian has in fact revealed in an investigation, published on Tuesday May 14, the “chaotic” underside of the filming, in particular because of the supposed erratic behavior of the filmmaker. The latter had already seen all the colors on the set ofApocalypse Nowin 1979. A feature film for which he also climbed the steps of the Palais des Festivals alongside his daughter Sofia, 8 years old at the time.

Read alsoFrancis Ford Coppola: in the middle of the Cannes Film Festival, an investigation by Guardian denounces the director’s abuses on the set of Megalopolis

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Love stories

Sofia and Francis Ford Coppola climb the steps of the Cannes Film Festival together for the first time. (May 19, 1979.)
Getty Images

Two decades later, Francis Ford Coppola and the director walked the Croisette together again. In 2001, the duo walked the red carpet in the company of Eleanor, the filmmaker’s wife, who died on Friday April 12 at the age of 87, and Roman Coppola, Sofia’s brother, now a director and screenwriter. The clan at the time advanced under the flashes of photographers, on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the 54e Cannes film festival. That evening, Sofia Coppola and her family discovered Red Mill !, by Baz Luhrmann, screened in competition. A climb of the steps marked by the absence of his brother Gian-Carlo, who died in a boat accident in 1986.

Steps that they would climb again a few days later, in order to present the remastered version ofApocalypse Now. Since then, Sofia Coppola has continued her love affair with the Festival, winning the National Education Prize for Marie Antoinettein 2006, then that of directing, in 2017, for his film The preys.



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