The Musée d’Orsay invites 80 contemporary painters for a day

The Musée d’Orsay invites 80 contemporary painters for a day
The Musée d’Orsay invites 80 contemporary painters for a day

REVIEW – For the first time, 80 artists were invited to exhibit in the kingdom of Degas, Manet and Puvis de Chavannes. And to meet the public.

A day of glory for painters at the Musée d’Orsay. For one day – for one day only, critics say – 80 contemporaries of the French scene were exhibited on Thursday, September 19, among the masterpieces, posing like elected officials on their easels, giving the old station a crazy traffic in its central aisle and in its alcoves. Despite the intense sun outside, the public was there to discover this host of talents orchestrated by the artist Thomas Lévy-Lasne, 44 years old, with the build of a giant and a love of art à la Courbet. With red cheeks and disheveled hair, this force of nature worked for two years to “to successfully complete this adventure and hang 2 million euros of contemporary painting among 200 million euros of museum masterpieces”.

Nicolas Gausserand, young advisor to the president in charge of contemporary programs, invited the intimate painter Nathanaëlle Herbelin, 35, to exhibit at Orsay next to the Nabis (“Being here is a…

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