On the sidelines of UNSEEN 2024 by John Devos

On the sidelines of UNSEEN 2024 by John Devos
On the sidelines of UNSEEN 2024 by John Devos

On the sidelines of UNSEEN 2024 #7
.tiff 2024 – Emerging Belgian Photography By Brakke Grond (images 1-10)

Until October 6, .tiff 2024 is on display at Brakke Grond. This photography exhibition brings together the work of a new selection of promising artists, brought together by FOMU – the Antwerp Photography Museum.

.tiff 2024 selection: Romain Cavallin, Elise Dervichian & Lina Wielant, Romane Iskaria, Ksenia Kuleshova, Catherine Lemblé, Nathan Mbouebe, Angyvir Padilla, Marcel Top, Marens van Leunen and Laure Winants.

With .tiff, FOMU supports ten artists and photographers with a connection to Belgium each year. .tiff takes a fresh look at the possibilities of photography and is a sample of the diversity and dynamics of the photographic landscape in Belgium. It is a flexible program that meets the needs of emerging artists. For them, in addition to the portfolio magazine and the exhibition, the program includes networking moments with international professionals and coaching sessions.

For the selection, FOMU works with an external jury. This year, it is composed of Tom Callemin (artist and member of .tiff edition 2014), Damarice Amao (curator Centre Pompidou ) and Pieter Vermeulen (art critic and curator), assisted by the FOMU team.

.tiff is part of FUTURES, a collaboration between FOMU and a growing number of European partners (21). Futures organizes several events each year for young talents. Discover the full calendar of meetings and events in Zagreb and , among others, on their website.

The .tiff magazine, the publication that accompanies the exhibition, is on sale at the modest price of €7.

The exhibition can be visited from September 7 to October 6. – free entry
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 12:00 to 17:00. You can also visit the exhibition before attending a performance at Brakke Grond.

Flemish Arts Centre Brakke Grond
Nes 45
1012 KD Amsterdam
+31 (0)20 622 90 14

On the sidelines of UNSEEN 2024 #8
Dialogue Vintage Photography Fair September 21 (images 11-21)

On Saturday 21 September, Amsterdam will be the scene of another initiative: the sixth edition of the Vintage Photography Art Fair will open its doors. More than 40 dealers and galleries of vintage photography and photographica from the Netherlands, Belgium, , England, Germany and Austria will offer the best of their stock.

The fair will be accompanied by an interesting program of conferences and presentations.

One of the participants present is the Sandvoort Gallery (www.sandvoort.gallery). This gallery was founded in 2016 by the man who co-founded the legendary photo agency Hollandse Hoogte in 1985.

His gallery offers unique prints, including by 20th century Dutch photographers such as Eva Besnyö, Steef Zoetmulder, Ad Windig, Eddy Posthuma de Boer, Henk Nieuwenhuijs and Sem Presser.

The dialogue is open from 10:00 to 16:00 at CEC AMSTERDAM.

Bijlmerdreef 1289

Free parking, next to Ganzenhoef metro station and 19 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station.
Tickets can be purchased online.


John Devos



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