For photographer Oliver Frank Chanarin, “you can’t be Martin Parr anymore”

Oliver Frank Chanarin at the heart of his installation in the Sainte-Claire church in Vevey, Switzerland. LIUBOV KRIVENKOVA/IMAGES VEVEY

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Encounter Inspired by the logistics warehouses of online retail giants, English photographer Oliver Frank Chanarin presents a fascinating robotic installation at the Biennale Images Vevey in Switzerland. The artist also questions the position of the photographer in relation to his subject and the difficulty of documenting reality today.

An unmissable event for visual arts in Europe, the Biennale “Images Vevey” welcomes this year on the banks of Lake Geneva around fifty exhibitions and installations scattered outdoors and indoors throughout the Swiss town. The theme of this 9e edition is: “(DIS) connected, between past and future”. This title in the form of a temporal hinge articulates many reflections on our society shaken by the rise of new technologies and the emergence of artificial intelligence.

Memory/forgetting, identity/anonymity, analog/digital, reality/virtuality, tradition/modernity, man/machine… The program highlights the fractures that now surface on the surface of images. The trust we place in a snapshot is melting like the Swiss Aletsch glacier, two images of which taken by photographer Andreas Gursky thirty years apart are exhibited in a monumental way in Vevey.

As several projects of…

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