Gelos: Sophie Menier exhibits her watercolors at the Bistrot du Pradeau

Gelos: Sophie Menier exhibits her watercolors at the Bistrot du Pradeau

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This Gelosienne passionate about drawing and painting is exhibiting her colorful works for the very first time at the dreamlike invitation. Born in 1958 in Normandy, the daughter of a farmer, the youngest of six children, she says she has always loved drawing and painting. “I even wanted to make it my job. Unfortunately, my parents dissuaded me from it.”

However, she did not give up. After taking acrylic painting classes, she practiced impressionism and live models. She took a break to take care of her family and professional life. A mother of three children, it was finally when she retired that she decided to push the line and return to her passion. Registered in an association, she practiced watercolor, drawing, red chalk, graphite pencil and pastel. A revelation during the apprenticeship that she considers captivating. But what she likes most is the letting go and escape that her art allows her, coupled with a certain satisfaction “of achieving a certain harmony”.

It is therefore as an amateur painter that she wants to share her passion by exhibiting her works which depict, according to her artistic inspirations, still lifes, figurative and portrait. Her dearest desire is to share with visitors her enthusiasm for this art by making them spend a pleasant moment and inviting them to dream.

Free, no reservation required. Exhibition visible during the opening hours of the Bistrot du Pradeau.


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