“What a time!” : Pierre Lescure uncomfortable after a joke from Paul de Saint Sernin

“What a time!” : Pierre Lescure uncomfortable after a joke from Paul de Saint Sernin
“What a time!” : Pierre Lescure uncomfortable after a joke from Paul de Saint Sernin

On May 18, 2024, Pierre Lescure was the guest on the show What an era! live from Cannes. A inappropriate joke by Paul de Saint-Sernin, on the movement Me Too, shocked the set. Pierre Lescure, former president of the Cannes Film Festival, did not laugh, provoking discomfort on set.

The joke led to a tense discussion. This moment particularly embarrassed the guests and the host Léa Salamé. Pierre Lescure stressed the importance of respecting victims and aggressors in this sensitive context.

A controversial joke about What an era!

Recent revelations are currently shaking the cinema and the Cannes festival. Indeed, Judith Godrèche revealed that a director would have exerted influence on her when she was only 14 years old. Which lead to abuses. These various events have shaken the cinema industry in recent months.

It was following a long discussion on the Me Too movement that Paul de Saint Sernin attempted a bold joke on the movement and age of Pierre Lescure. “Can you still be threatened by a Me Too at 78? Without viagra » he said. Léa Salamé, surprised, reacted by reminding that they were live. Pierre Lescure, impassive, responded seriously and clearly expressed disagreement. He stressed the importance of respect the victims and not to laugh at these sensitive issues.

“I’m not sure we should laugh at these questions, since there are victims and there are aggressors. “. Before adding:“At 78, if I cause a Me Too at my age, then it becomes really sad. If it’s to return to a story from 15 or 20 years ago, of course it can happen that we bring out a saucepan. I hope that never happens to me, and I’m not sure which one. »

Paul de Saint Sernin makes a series of blunders

Paul de Saint Sernin tried to make up for it with a new jokebut that onlymake the situation worse. “ No, but it was more of a way of asking if you still had nice erections, sorry.” The guests and the presenter were visibly uncomfortablemarking a moment of collective embarrassment on the tray. Pierre Lescure concluded by saying that they would talk about it later, adding to thegeneral discomfort.

This incident reignites the debate on the limits of humor, especially on sensitive topics like the movement MeToo.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)