Pedro (Married at First Sight) single again, Nicolas Waldorf announces their breakup and discusses the reasons

Pedro (Married at First Sight) single again, Nicolas Waldorf announces their breakup and discusses the reasons
Pedro (Married at First Sight) single again, Nicolas Waldorf announces their breakup and discusses the reasons

Love comes and goes… While we thought that Pedro and Nicolas Waldorf had been cooing romantically for a few months, now the famous hairdresser has announced their breakup…

Instagram @pedro_mapr7

“Love stories end badly, in general…” sing Rita Mitsouko, and it’s not Pedro who will say the opposite! The one who formed the first homosexual couple in the history of Married at first sight last year with Jefferson has just had the bitter experience.

Pedro and Nicolas Waldrof, the unexpected meeting

Remember, the couple decided to stay married after the show but they ultimately quickly separated a few months later. Last November, Pedro announced on Instagram his newfound happiness: fiancé and young father. “I am happy to share with you this very good news about my (our) new life”, he wrote then. A happiness which was, however, only short-lived since, in February, guest of YouTuber Sam Zirah, star hairdresser Nicolas Waldorf revealed that he was in a relationship with Pedro. “These are the beginnings, there. (…) We’re dating, we’ll see. For now, these are the pleasures of the beginning. It’s a bit of a ‘honey moon’ period, so it’s cool “he said in a video reposted on the networks by Pedro himself.

“We separated”

Three months later, the former host of the show Incredible Transformations is back on Sam Zirah’s couch. The Youtuber then made a surprising revelation to him: a relative contacted before the interview to ask a question brutally replied that given that he no longer had any news from Nicolas, he did not see the point in him. to give importance. Nicolas Waldorf immediately understands that it is Pedrowho is now his ex. “We separated”, he announces. “He expected something from the relationship and I wasn’t into that at all. We always had to talk about it, whereas I like it to be secret at the beginning. I was a little embarrassed that it be made public.” The talented hairdresser adds that he has been disappointed on several occasions and has little time to devote to his boyfriend due to his professional career.

Nicolas Waldorf’s blunder in dumping Pedro

What happened ? Nicolas Waldorf told the story of how he left Pedro. After a final headache by SMS, the latter would have a screen of the conversation and would have sent it to his best friend whose name is… Pedro! You will have understood, he had the wrong recipient. “Plus, I said something horrible like ‘I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to dump him’. I’m sorry, that’s the worst way to find out.” he remembers.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)